The CMTS Future of Navigation IAT facilitates the modernization and provision of navigation services, including the coordinated and integrated collection, processing, and dissemination of navigation data and information to provide services to stakeholders, eliminate duplication, and enhance the safety, reliability, and efficiency of our waterways and ports
The work of this IAT is focused on implementation of the CMTS' U.S. Navigation Information Strategic Action Plan: 2021-2026 which outlines the high-level strategy for U.S. Federal agencies to deliver navigation information to mariners in support of a safer and more secure marine transportation system (MTS), by advancing the evolution and implementation of the e-Navigation concept. e-Navigation is a critical component of the Marine Transportation System (MTS) infrastructure and is essential to enhancing MTS safety, efficiency, reliability, security, and environmental soundness. The scope of the Future of Navigation IAT is broader than e-Navigation and may address other navigation services, such as aids to navigation, navigation safety regulations, enhanced Marine Safety Information services (eMSI), seamless data exchange, decision-focused information, and improved connectivity.
The Federal effort in facilitating the safe and efficient operations of these waters must be an accelerant, rather than a brake, on this economic engine. To this end, the "Future of Navigation" IAT leverages technology, initiates management improvements, redefines levels of service, develops data-driven analysis, and identifies and recommends regulatory changes to improve safety and efficiency on America's waterways.